Being that I do lot of family sessions, there are a bunch of things to help make it easier on kids (and parents and you!).
First off, I have no problem with parents bribing their kids:) Secondly, if they are young, I will forego the most important time for lighting and instead, use a time where the kiddos are better behaved (ex. not around nap time!).
Here are some other ways to get kids to love you/the camera:
1. Get to know their name right away.
2. Let them know they will do a few smiley faces and then they get to do their silliest faces! And be prepared, after the funny face often comes the most sincere smiles!
3. Let them see their photos after you take a bunch.
4. Find out what they love and get them to shout that out or you can make the sound. I have choo chooed and barked and neighed and who knows what else. A lot of little ones love singing. I have the WORST voice in the world but somehow, `Happy birthday' can do that trick without sounding too terrible! Make sure the parents don't sing along if they are in the photos.
5. If they are not wanting to look at the camera, just get some candids following them around. Or, get them interacting with mom and dad...those are the best smiles!
6. Let them choose the spot they want their photo taken at, sometimes they pick really good ones!
{Noah picked this great spot!}
There's are just a few off the top of my head. Do you have any others?