Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hands Up, Baby, Hands Up

A common question I hear from women my age, when photographing them, is `How can I stand so my belly looks a little more flattering?'. If you are thin, these tips apply for a more comfortable look as well. Here are some ideas for when someone says, `Hey, let me take a picture of you!' and you are in a photo by yourself:

1. Do not wear baggy clothing. This doesn't mean skin tight is necessary but find a happy medium. Okay, so you generally can't quickly change your clothes if you find yourself in front of a camera but you know what I mean. For my example photo on the bottom, I think my shirt is too tight. I can see that now. Lesson learned:)

2. Shoulders at an angle (about 45 degrees) NOT facing the photographer straight on.

3. Have one leg in front, closest to the camera, almost pointing at the camera. Your legs should be slightly apart, try to have your thighs not touching yet look natural:)

4. Arm closest to camera should be on hip, in your pocket, up in the air, pointing, or anything you can do to get it a little ways off of the body. Hence, the `Hands Up' title.

If you are getting pictures in a group, make contact with the others. Put your arms around the people beside you. Shoulders, waist, whatever. Get comfy!! No way should there be 2 arms by your side.
Okay, here is an example. I won't make any negative comments about myself. Nope. Won't.
Hopefully you can see that the second one is a lot more flattering and that the first one is AWKWARD!!!
Please leave a comment at some point so I know people are actually reading this:)


  1. Consider it read.

    And I wish I read it before yesterday when I found myself in the awkward situation of standing solo in front of the camera. I stood much like you are in the picture on the left and what, unsurprisingly, dissatisfied with the picture.

  2. about 95% of the time, I'm the one behind the camera, so i almost feel awkward in front of it - these are good tips to know. thanks! :)
